Step-by-Step Guide to Tarping a Roof After a Storm

In the ever-sunny city of Miami, storms are more the exception than they are a norm, and when they do occur, they often leave a trail of destruction in their wake. If you are amongst those homeowners who face damage to their house’s roofing, don’t fret; I’ve got you covered.

Why Tarping Is Essential

Roof damage after storms may appear minimal but can escalate quickly, thanks to Florida’s unpredictable weather. Roof tarping is a temporary solution to protect your home from further harm such as leaks and water damage until professional help arrives. It’s also your first line of defense against mold outbreaks, which can be challenging to detect and eradicate, especially when they occur behind walls. You’ll find more details about this troublesome issue on our blog post, “How to Tell if There’s Mold Behind Your Walls”.

Roof Tarping: A Step-by-Step Guide

Before getting down to the nitty-gritty, always remember: safety first. Wear gloves, sturdy footwear, and consider asking for assistance during the process for an extra pair of hands and safeguarding purposes. If the roof’s damage is significant, contact a professional.

First, let’s gather the necessary materials:
– A tarp (The thicker, the better!)
– A knife or scissors
– Twine
– Cap nails or screws

Now let’s follow these steps:

Step 1: Assess the Damage

Before you climb on the roof, inspect the damage from the ground with binoculars or a drone.

Step 2: Measure and Cut the Tarp

Your tarp should be large enough to cover the damaged area and to lap over the peak of the roof by four feet. Cut it accordingly.

Step 3: Secure the Tarp

Position the tarp on the damaged area, make sure it overlaps the ridge, and secure it firmly using your cap nails or screws along the edges.

Step 4: Wrap and Secure the Ends

Wrap twine through the grommets on the tarp’s edges, cross over the ridge of the roof, and securely tie it.

Step 5: Verify the Tarp’s Stability

Double-check all edges are well secured, and there aren’t any loose parts that may flap around when the wind blows.

Step 6: Contact a Professional

Now that you’ve done your part, the next step is to reach out to Total Care Restoration, Miami’s most-trusted experts in roof tarping. You can learn more about our services, or book us here at: TCR’s roof tarping service .

Can’t Tarp Your Roof? Consider Shrink Wrapping

Not all roofs are suitable for tarping, especially those with unique designs or are too steep. This is where shrink wrapping, a terrific alternative to tarping, comes in. The process involves installing a polyethylene film that is heat-sealed over your roof, forming a tough, fully-bonded skin. It’s a great solution for intricate architectural designs or for homeowners that are aiming for a more aesthetic route.

Did that pique your interest? I’ve got a full coverage on TCR’s innovative shrink wrapping services.

As the home that you worked hard to build stands vulnerable against the forces of nature, your best bet is to rely on trusted care providers, such as Total Care Restoration, Miami’s finest. We work tirelessly to provide state-of-the-art services to protect your house and your family.

In Conclusion:

After a storm wreaks havoc on your roof, your first move should be to protect your home from further damage and potential mold outbreaks by means of roof tarping or shrink wrapping. Although it seems like a daunting task, with the right tools and a tiny bit of elbow grease, it is doable. But never hesitate to reach out for professional help when necessary. Trust in the expertise of Total Care Restoration; we’re just one call away!